SL-624 03 Domestic pranks, mixing diuretics, sisters wetting the bed
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Many people would say that one of the most embarrassing memories from their childhood is wetting the bed. It is an act that is only allowed when you are young. As you grow up, you will acquire the habit of urinating, but no high school student, let alone an adult, would ever do it. However, this work contains plenty of scenes of older and younger sisters who have been intentionally given diuretics by their siblings and end up urinating while sleeping, that is, wetting the bed. The contrast between their innocent and peaceful sleeping faces, who never expected to be pranked by a family member, and the way they wake up in a panic when they feel something strange in their lower body, is truly pleasing. No matter how hard they try to stop it, the urine overflows with force, leaving a large stain on the bedsheets. For some, it will probably become the most embarrassing memory of their lives if their siblings find out and embarrass them.